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What Is Relationship Marketing and Why It’s Important for Your Business

Relationship Marketing: Without its clients, your business could not continue to operate. Bringing in new business might cost up to five times as much as keeping existing ones. It should come as no surprise, however, that you want to increase your customers whenever you can. Although acquiring new consumers is crucial, maintaining the satisfaction of

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Google’s New “E” in E-E-A-T Factor: How to Improve Your SEO

An “E” for “experience” has been added to Google’s E-A-T search quality criteria, joining the well-known concepts of “expertise,” “authority,” and “trustworthiness” (E-A-T). Google’s dedication to providing useful and relevant search results is reflected in the new acronym E-E-A-T. Hyung-Jin Kim, Google’s VP of Search, reaffirmed the relevance of the E-A-T standard when he said,

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How Content Marketing Drives Sales

Content marketing entails acquiring and maintaining customers by providing helpful information or high-quality content. Content marketing strategy is an effective and cost-friendly way of promoting businesses and products online. This marketing approach has mostly supplanted direct advertising and is far more productive than traditional promotion. As a result, content marketing boosts sales. There are different

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Taking advantage of modern monitoring tools, SEO is an incredibly powerful tool to get your message out there. By assessing metrics such as rankings, traffic flow and customer engagement, you’ll be able to understand how effective your organic campaigns are at driving revenue, building loyalty and creating a positive reputation for yourself or your business.

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User experience (UX) has undergone significant changes in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) over the past decade. As SEO first became popular, webmasters discovered they could improve their website’s ranking by repeating target phrases as often as possible – a practice known as “keyword stuffing.” This strategy affected Google’s search results by allowing

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